Performed by Michael W. Smith - Signed by Ibfound93
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
A Christmas Present...
Today, my friend, Celeste from Celestina Marie Design posted about a Rosary (in the photo below) that she received from me. It was a lovely story that she shared. I have been extremely blessed by the friendships my Rosaries have led to.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
A Friend...
A Priceless Gift, by Helen Steiner Rice
Isn't it amazing how we all seem to make friends that we have never even met? Sometimes there's that connection that makes it seem that you've known someone forever! My friend, Celeste, who lives in Texas and is from the Blog Celestina Marie Design sent me a surprise Gift in the mail last...
week. When I say surprise...I mean surprise!! I recognize her packages, because she always has them decorated so pretty. They must be the prettiest packages the Postal Service sees!! So...I ripped it open and found this pretty box inside...with a card tucked under the ribbon. Friendship is a priceless gift.
That can't be bought or sold,
But its value is far greater
Than a mountain made of gold.
For gold is cold and lifeless,
It cannot see nor hear,
It cannot see nor hear,
And in your times of trouble,
It is powerless to cheer.
It has no ears to listen,
No heart to understand.
It cannot bring you comfort
Or reach out a helping hand.
So when you ask God for a gift,
Be thankful that he sends,
Not diamonds, pearls or riches,
But the love of a real, true friend.
And when I opened up the box, I found the most beautiful handmade ornament I've ever seen. It had Celeste's hand-painted Roses, a Lady, Boa fringe, Glitter and dangling Crystals. It's the most romantic Christmas Ornament or Decoration in my case...ever! (I remind you, I have ALOT of Celeste's beautiful trays, boxes, plaques, lamps, ornaments...and this one is the tops!!)
See for yourselves...
On the table, you can catch a glimpse of the pretty Christmas Card, with a hand-written note by Celeste...and the beautiful Tag she made, too.
I'm attached the ribbon at the top of the ornament to the switch on the lamp...and it hangs perfectly well there. The first night it was there and the lamp was on, the dogs were a little apprehensive when the heat turned on...the vent is right beneath and to the left of the table. The heat made the ornament wiggle and the boa trim flutter about. Now that it's been a few days, they're just fine with it.
And here's the close-up of it. It's so dreamy and beautiful. It's ethereal! It's gorgeous. I love it!!
Thank you Celeste...from the bottom of my heart!!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Published - First Time for Me
A couple of weeks ago, my Massage Therapist, Heidi asked me if I would want to write an article for the local newspaper, Bedford Now. She said she thought I would do a good job writing about my journey with Bell's Palsy. I jumped at the chance to get my message out, even if it is in a small town newspaper. You never know who will be reading it that needs it. The article was published on Saturday, November 24, 2012 in the Bedford Now Newspaper. Beauty Meets Spirit - It's about Women Living Healthier Lives of the weekly article...
My Bell’s Palsy Journey
By Jan Tanis
Bell’s Palsy hits hard and usually without warning. It causes paralysis on one side of the face and brings a myriad of symptoms with it, such as: mouth and eye droop; difficulty speaking and chewing; no smile; eye doesn’t blink; dry eye; can’t raise eyebrow; excessive tearing; drooling; reduced sense of taste; sensitivity to sound; headaches; depression and pain. You look like you’ve had a stroke. It’s caused by swelling to Cranial Nerve VII which exits the skull in front of the ear, near where the jaw attaches and is either caused by trauma or virus. Actually no one really knows why you get it and there is no known cure. Most people totally recover, with or without the Medications prescribed, however, some don’t.
On Memorial Day, May 28, 2012, at 4am, I was able to drink fine from a glass, but when I got up 2 hours later, I dribbled my glass of water all down the front my blouse. I was experiencing trouble speaking, my mouth was drooping and I was in pain. I was diagnosed with a severe case of Bell’s Palsy, with total paralysis of the right side of my face, including my neck muscles. I declined the typical method of treatment for Bell’s Palsy which is Steroids and Anti-Viral Medications
The following day, I saw my Massage Therapist, who used “healing touch” for a massage that was gentle, relaxing and healing. The “natural” modalities of treatment I chose were to help me relax, feel good and heal. Massage, Reiki, Raindrop Therapy and Lymphatic Drainage helps balance our bodies and bring about restoration and healing. Treatments were once a week for 3 months, to lessen the pain, pressure, swelling and over-all tired feeling and to encourage healing. Reducing stress, drinking lots of water to stay hydrated, getting enough sleep and taking Vitamins and Essential Oil Tablets that help regenerate nerves are things I continue to do. Nerves regenerate at the rate of about 1” per month and with the distance from the nerve (near the ear) to the middle of my paralyzed face, I figured my recovery would take anywhere from 6-9 months or more.
Currently, treatments are every other week. I have taken Reiki I & II, received the attunements and am now able to perform it on myself, others and pets. Through training videos, I learned to do Self-Lymphatic Drainage for my ears and head, which I do regularly and I feel they have helped immensely. I have a Blog where I share information about Bell’s Palsy and my recovery – complete with Video Updates of my progress.
My progress has been slow and there were times I wondered if I would ever improve. Day #99 was my first muscle movement. I had several set-backs in my progress early in my recovery, and am experiencing one right now, but I have a smile and some cheek and eyebrow movement. Puckering my lips, wrinkling my nose, speaking and eating is still difficult, if not impossible but every day I marvel at how far I’ve come and the ability I have to keep a positive attitude.
The caring and tender touch of my Therapists has been very beneficial to me throughout this ordeal. I know the treatments and methods I chose to help me heal were the best for me. Everything has worked together and allows my recovery to progress, while keeping me calm. One day soon, I hope to be able to say – I’m back to normal, whatever that means!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Our Old Nest
Being the Interior Designer that I sounded intriguing.
(We) I decided to have a MOVING SALE - and since it was January/February, that meant INSIDE. OK, we began setting up. Moved the bedroom set into the Living room...pulled all the stuff out of closets, cabinets, set everything up. We had a large area of the house to do just that. Living room, dining room, kitchen and family room, all connected. We ended up selling just about everything. We slept on an air mattress til we moved...almost 2 months. Luckily, the people we sold the washer and dryer to, allowed us to keep it til we moved. I wouldn't have wanted to have to lug laundry around.
(We've since moved from here...but nonetheless, it's a GREAT story!)
Now, mind you...Tom's first wife died of cancer and had been ill for quite a while before I moved into the house, after we married. So...that was part of the reason of all the clutter and disarray.
First thing I did was CLEAN the Kitchen, so that I could cook and bake and feel at home. I cleared out all of the cabinets, drawers and cupboards. I got rid of everything I knew I wouldn't use. I either pitched it, gave it to Tom's grown kids or it went to Goodwill. I eliminated all of the things attached to the front of the refrigerator - notes, calender, pictures, business cards - almost every inch of the front of the side by side refrigerator/freezer was covered!! Then, every kitchen appliance that was on the countertop was cleaned and the free-standing microwave cart was given away. Tom actually was much happier once I cleaned up and gave it and the cooktop, microwave and countertops a good scrubbing with SoftScrub with Bleach. Wow, that certainly whitened everything up. Then, with some Homer Formby's Cabinet Refinishing Liquid, I went over every inch of wood in the kitchen!! Then I scrubbed the floor with Pine-Sol "Baby"!!! I cleaned the Kitchen window and hung a new valance - put down a new rug and hung some new kitchen towels.
Then...I was open for cooking and baking!!!
Here is an AFTER photo collage of the Kitchen. You can get a glimpse of the kitchen in the background of the photo top right of the collage below. Clutter everywhere.

These are the BEFORE shots of our LIVING ROOM. Notice all the little "notes" in the collage photo. We had Teal Carpeting...there were 2 Layers of Wallpaper (as I found out when I began to remove it)...a large sectional, 3 bookcases filled to the brim with books and photos.
To the left of the sectional...on the wall adjacent to the closet door you see, is the front door. With the sectional where it was very difficult to open the front door - because it didn't "clear" the side of the sectional. The room was unbalanced and "cold".

This room had wonderful southern exposure...a huge window area and had LOTS of potential - so I was anxious to get at it!!! Wondering what I did with this room? I had to keep it more NEUTRAL...since we would soon be selling it!!
Now...for the AFTER PHOTOS!!

What a change!! I loved the hardwood floors!! The new furniture placement, allowed for a gorgeous view out the large window...and allowed you to see the TV. Behind the Sectional along the wall with the closet door and front door...I now had an Entry Way and access to the Closet for coats and better yet...I was able to open the front door all the way!!!
The view out the front window photo...actually shows the old paint color, which was a green-tinted white. The week the FOR SALE sign went out, I painted. I loved the color - Lasso. It looked like chocolate milk...and warmed up the entire space.
You'll notice how uncluttered this room is, too. I like it that way - especially when the house is for sale.
REMINDER: Our house sold, in just under 2 months, with the closing at Christmas time...right after the market for selling houses "tanked" in 2005! At the time we listed our house...there were 10 others for sale in our tiny subdivision and several of them had been for sale since I moved to Michigan in April 2005 - mind you our closing was in December...and some of the houses still weren't sold!!!
OK...on to the Master Bedroom! It wasn't big, it didn't have an attached Master walk-in closet. It did have almost Brand-New Carpeting (which I liked) and the Peachiest Paint on the wall (which I didn't like). It had a Pedestal Bed, with drawers underneath...Matching Armoire Cabinet and Chest of Drawers...and the FIRMEST MATTRESS ever!! There was an old Cedar Chest under one window and 2 Floor Lamps, which I referred to as HAIR DRYER LAMPS! LOL! (Take a peek and tell me if they don't look like 'em)
Here is the BEFORE of this room... are the AFTER pictures of our Master Bedroom!
*Less clutter *More neutral *Calming *Peaceful *Serene (REMEMBER...I knew we would soon be SELLING this house, when I was doing the re-decorating of this Bedroom!)

So what do you think? Doesn't it look different?
As you can see, there wasn't much dining going on in this room. The table is sitting against the wall on the right. There is what I called "VAN" carpeting on the know the kind...little pile...dull color. Then there was the wallpaper and painted trim. The wallpaper was terribly bright - much different than it appears in the photo. Imagine Williamsburg Blue painted trim...with ORANGE, YELLOW and blue on an off-white background. Rows and Rows...floor to ceiling and back again...of ORANGE, YELLOW and blue print!!
Believe me, when I say...It didn't grow on me.

One saving grace of this Dining the VIEW out the large window and that that window cranked out on both sides to let in fresh air.
Here is the AFTER...

Originally, the plan for the Dining Room included a soft color paint on the walls...with the addition of a mid-wall placement of a Hydrangea Wallpaper Border, but because by the time I painted, we had decided we were going to SELL the house, I opted for NEUTRAL.
What do you think?
Notice the gorgeous hardwood floors that I uncovered and refreshed!!!
All in all, it was alot of work - but if we hadn't done what we did, it never would have sold. Over a year after we moved, 4 of the houses that were for sale in our little subdivision when we got married, were still for sale. And we'd been through each of them.
What they say is so true...Neutralize and de-clutter and have a GREAT price and Open Houses - and your house will sell. Ours did - and quickly.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Christmas Decorating
I'm going to share with you a story of a Christmas Past. This Story begins in June of 2005, when Mr. CSP & I were married after an on-line relationship and courtship. Why on-line? Because I lived in Wisconsin, 5 1/2 hours away from the future Mr. CSP in Michigan. Neither of us had the flexibility in our schedules to travel and have a face-to-face meeting for 9 months. By then, we knew we were going to marry. Finally, in April the trip was made...
he travelled from Michigan to visit for several days and took some of my belongings back home with him. I stayed in Wisconsin to get my apartment rented and everything sold . I had an apartment full of furniture, dishes, everything - and it was all sold, paid for and hauled away in just under 4 hours. ALL OF IT.
he travelled from Michigan to visit for several days and took some of my belongings back home with him. I stayed in Wisconsin to get my apartment rented and everything sold . I had an apartment full of furniture, dishes, everything - and it was all sold, paid for and hauled away in just under 4 hours. ALL OF IT.
In May, I moved to Michigan...into Mr's house. His previous Mrs had passed away of cancer the year before. The month I lived there, before our wedding, he stayed at a friend's house at night - all very proper.
We both loved birds, especially Cardinals (and Chickadees) - so out came our gorgeous Cardinal dishes, with pretty red chargers. I really preferred softer, pastel colors to the red of the Cardinals, but the plates were so pretty. (sorry about the flash in the photos, I had just begun blogging)
June 25th - 2005, we married.
After our honeymoon in Wisconsin - we returned home and began working on it...ripping out aqua blue carpeting and even some shag carpeting...and refinishing the hardwood floors. I ripped down wallpaper, cleaned the entire house and painted just about every room in the house.
Then along came our 1st Christmas.
Here's our table set for 2 for Christmas Eve Dinner...complete with Topiaries.
Looking out the window, you can see the snow.
Jim Shore Nativity Scene
Our First Christmas Tree
It had about 150 lights per foot - and it was a 7' tree...loaded with ornaments, too. Then when I was finished decorating the tree, I let the SNOW fall from above the tree, as I stood on a ladder and sprinkled it.
We had a huge window, and most of the Christmas Cards fit nicely in the center along with the 2 1/2' Snow Lady and 3 small Christmas Trees.
Here's the view from near the front door coming into the Living Room...the room on the left is the Dining Room.
This was Mr. CSP's Sectional (La-Z Boy) - that I cleaned up and bought new pillows for - pulled to the center of the room, with walk-way from the front door, into the house, behind the sectional. I had a table and 2 chairs next to the closet door you see on the left - under the lit-up Wreath...a great place for removing shoes or boots.
I will be sharing a few more Christmas past Stories in the coming days, so watch for them.
Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
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