Thursday, July 25, 2024


Bring a pan of water, deep enough to cover as many eggs as you want to cook, to a boil.  Reduce to medium boil.  Gently put eggs in the pan.  Simmer 12-13 minutes.  Make sure they remain simmering...increase heat if needed.  While the eggs are simmering, prepare a bowl or another pan for an ice bath for the eggs.  ICE BATH:  Fill large bowl or pan 1/4 with very cold water and add some ice. Remove from heat and plunge the eggs into an ice bath adding water or ice to cover the eggs...for 5 minutes.  Remove from water and refrigerate for about 1/2 hour before peeling.  The eggs peel much easier than any other way I've ever made them.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Crunchy Cucumber Salad


Red Onion chopped

Cucumber halved and peeled and cut In cubes

½ red peppers chopped

Cherry Tomatoes cut


1T white Vinegar

¼ cup Hellmann Mayonnaise

2T sugar

1t season salt

1 ½ t dill minced

 Mix, chill & serve