Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Adorable Paintings - Cindy Austin

For my first Fun With Friends Post, I'd like to introduce you to Cindy Austin's beautiful Art!  It's the cutest I've seen in a long time.  And it's Farm Animals!  I love the Lamb with the curly hair, looking between the fence slats...and the Cow is especially cute, too!  If you love these 2 paintings, be sure to check out Cindy Austin's Etsy Shop - She also has a Blog called Cindy's Fractured Fairy Tale.  If you love the 2 paintings I've shared with you here...
from her Etsy'll want to find out how Cindy Austin begins one of her paintings...and all that goes into finishing it too!  AND...while you're there you HAVE to meet "Lily and Estelle" - they are friends.  You will find them Here.


  1. Those are GORGEOUS, Jan! She is very talented. I just realized that hers is one of the blogs that dropped off my sidebar when I was working on it. Headed over to re-install her! xo Diana

  2. HI Jan, Just gorgeous paintings. I love these two precious subjects. Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs and Blessings, CM
