Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets...
in the world.
Key Thought
Occasionally, we hear someone say something, preach something, or teach something that doesn't sit well in our hearts. We have a nagging feeling that something just isn't quite right with what they are saying. The Holy Spirit within us gives us what I call "the greasies" — that sick feeling in the pit of our stomachs that something isn't quite right. The things said could be very pleasing to us, they could be difficult for us to hear, or they could be the culturally acceptable point of view. No matter on what trajectory the comments reach us, we need to pray and seek the Spirit's leading and then open the Scriptures to check and see if what we heard is really from God. Spiritual discernment is an important work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Today's Prayer
O Father, I confess that I get busy and distracted. In such times, I know that I don't always practice good spiritual discernment. In the rush of my life, I sometimes neglect opening your word as often as I should and I don't come into your presence seeking to have my heart tuned by your Holy Spirit. Father, please forgive me and also guide me through the leading of your Spirit so I may better know and obey your will. I ask this, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
O Father, I confess that I get busy and distracted. In such times, I know that I don't always practice good spiritual discernment. In the rush of my life, I sometimes neglect opening your word as often as I should and I don't come into your presence seeking to have my heart tuned by your Holy Spirit. Father, please forgive me and also guide me through the leading of your Spirit so I may better know and obey your will. I ask this, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
HI Jan, thank you for sharing this devotional today. It is so true!! Hope you are doing well. We are iced in here and it is bitter cold and rare for us. It has stopped everything. Have a nice day.
ReplyDeleteHugs and Blessings, CM