Monday, December 21, 2015

In the Beginning

Welcome to a special edition of Christmas devotions for the LivingItOut this week. We hope you will use them as an opportunity to see the Christmas story with fresh eyes and wonder, because it’s with that frame of mind that we can truly celebrate all week long, and throughout the year, the scandalous story of Jesus leaving his perfect, heavenly home to help us find our way...
to our heavenly home.
Big Point: Our Christmas experience begins with focusing on Christ.
John 1:14 (New Living Translation)
So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.
Okay, so we’ve all heard the Christmas story, right? We’ve got baby Jesus, his parents, a manger, some smelly animals and a bunch of shepherds who dropped by on a silent night that changed the world. Could it be that we’ve told the story so many times that we’ve taken Christmas for granted? How can we view this story that’s become ordinary and make it extraordinary once again?
Here’s the thing: We need to know the Christmas story more now than ever! In a world that is filled with increasing amounts of public and private heartache, we need to be connected to the hope that was born that night in Bethlehem. Most of us have forgotten that Jesus has been present for all time – creating all things including the world in which we live. Yet, on Christmas night, Jesus left the company of heaven to come as a baby and as he grew, to walk among humanity in a bruised and broken world. On that holy night, Jesus, who is God, became human and made his home among us.
In John 1:14, Jesus is described as “the Word”, meaning that Jesus is the human expression that captures what God is like. As he walked on earth, Jesus revealed who God is and how God felt about the humans who had created a world of heartache and pain around them. Jesus revealed God’s unfailing love and faithfulness through his willingness to sacrifice his life on our behalf.
All of this began on one silent night in Bethlehem, as a star in the east illuminated the birth of our salvation. Christmas marks the beginning of God’s great plan to save humanity. Each year, we remember that Christmas is our reminder of hope for our hurting world.
So often we hear the words “We need to keep Christ in Christmas.” What does that phrase really mean to you?
Jesus came to bring us hope because the world around us is filled with heartache and pain. How would you describe the hope that Jesus gives you? Use those words as a prayer to him.


  1. The true meaning of Christmas that most of us forget. Thanks for sharing a very special post. Merry Christmas to you and the pups. xo

  2. Thank you for sharing this Jan. It is the true meaning of the Christmas and should be our focus year round.
    Wishing you and the pups special days as we approach Christmas. xo
