Good Morning Everyone! Hope you're having a wonderful week. As I promised, here are the pictures of my Garden full of Hydrangeas!
A reminder of the preparations...big holes in which to plant each beauty.
My ShihTzu, Teddy Loves to Watch out the Door,
You'll see Him in almost Every Picture.
These Hydrangeas can be in full sun or partial sun.
They don't take alot of effort to grow. I may prune off something here or there, but that's about it.
Right now I am watering every day...but next year...I won't have to water as often. I don't use any special things to make them grow...bloom or look beautiful.
I can just sit back and look at them. Oh and I can take cuttings for a vase in the house.

I love how they instantly created curb appeal.
There's something so unique about EVERY variety of Hydrangeas. They are only alike in how beautiful they are...but yet so different in style, size and color.
Thanks for popping in, please leave a comment for me before you go. And have a wonderful day!
Hi Jan! How wonderful that you started your blog again! I hope it brings you joy connecting with others! Have a love,y holiday weekend!