Better late than never, right? Isn't that the way the saying goes? I did alot more decorating this year than last year - only put up my tabletop tree and after waiting for sunlight for over a week, to take photos of my 2014 Christmas decorations, we finally had sun today! So, I got out my camera and went to town taking pictures to share here with you. The first photos I took were of the Nativity Scene - the Reason for the Season...you'll find two
other photos of it further down in the post. This nativity set came with the folding screen for the stable and each piece has a Bible Verse printed on the front. It is a very pretty set.
The next photo shows how my Entertainment Center appeared in a post for Christmas in 2007. I decorated with Red, Gold and Silver...and snowmen and angels. Quite a few of the angels on the right bottom shelf, and the Nativity Set on the left bottom shelf are Jim Shore Collections.
How it looks Today - Christmas 2014 - no wood backing, it's been covered with fabric...and I'll be showing you each shelf and more! Each shelf of the left portion of the Entertainment Cabinet - 2014

The Right Side of the Entertainment Center and Close- up of each shelf follows

The Right Side of the Entertainment Center and Close- up of each shelf follows
Candles {Mercury Glass} on a Vintage mirror on my Coffee Table Black Vintage Shelf in Great Room, on Wall opposite the Entertainment Center Nativity Scene with a Bible Verse on each statue
Keeping Room
Master Bedroom

I hope you liked my Tour of my House and all the Christmas Decorations. Thanks for coming...and I hope to see you back again...real soon!
Everything looks lovely!!