Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Courtyard - November 2013

Imagine how surprised I was when I opened my Office Shade yesterday and saw this SNOW!  Oh, yes, I knew it was coming - that wasn't the surprise.  The surprise was how much I enjoyed seeing it and feeling the crispness in the air.  It was so pretty - with the sun rising and the fall colors of the trees in the background.  This is the view I see every day from my office.  I love it when the Garden wall is full of Hydrangeas and Roses, but I also love it this way.  When...
I let the Pups out, they had a great time. They ran around and around and up and down the stairs - barking and having alot of fun!!

This is our Enclosed Courtyard - and it runs the entire length of our house - 64 feet.  It gives us and our Pups about 800 square feet of enclosed outdoor living and running space.  It's also a great way to keep our pups in our yard.  They really love it now that we removed the soggy, yucky patch of grass we had in the middle of it.  It took them about 2 minutes to sniff around and notice the grass was gone and if they needed to go potty, that was the place to do it.  {the photos were taken looking through the window and the reflections you see are just that - reflections!}

1 comment:

  1. Jan, it is a pretty view with the first snowfall on the ground. I bet the pups really did enjoy the fresh air and the snow. This is only the beginning, I am sure you have lots more in store for the season. We may never see it here but we have had some cold and light snow days through the years. It is cold this week and we did hit freezing which is early for us. Next week it is predicted to warm again.

    Thank you for sharing your pretty view. Reminds me of my growing up and living in Michigan.
    Have a great evening.
