Saturday, November 23, 2013

New Appliance Love

Which Do You Prefer?  Regular Coffee, Espresso, Mocha, Latte or Cappuccino?

I refuse to buy any specialty coffee Beverage from the Over-Priced Coffee Shops!  I hate spending a huge amount of money on a Coffee.  I researched and read tons of  Reviews on several different machines.  I didn't want anything too big - too complicated or for too much money {an on-going theme here}.   The machine I decided on was the TASSIMO!  Tassimo knows a cappuccino...
is no latte -Discover why Tassimo’s intelligent barcode technology is the smarter way to brew.

{Click on Either Photo for More Information from Tassimo about this Great Brewer}

Hubby enjoys his individual cup of coffee - and we bought an inexpensive coffee maker that makes 12 cups for when we need a potful of coffee.

And I enjoy my Specialty Drink - A Mocha - A Latte or a Cappuccino.   All you have to do is set it up, plug it in, push a few buttons and Voila - you're all set to enjoy a tasty treat.

Honestly, the beverages come out Hotter with this machine, than any others I tested and read about {170°-175°} and better tasting than from the BIG CoffeeShops and even better than our neighborhood coffee shop and they're alot less expensive too.

At first, I was going to order on-line, direct from Tassimo, with their Special.  But, I found I could purchase the Tassimo Machine, the T-Discs I wanted and the Carousel for them right here in town at Bed Bath & Beyond for the same price.  Then I could go to and Register my Machine and get 2 Packages of T-discs of my choice for Free - no shipping charges either.  So, that's what I did.  Worked out that it was a tad cheaper getting it in town than on the Tassimo site.    

If you can't tell that I love this new Appliance in my Kitchen, let me tell you this:

I Love My New 
Tassimo Brewer T-55
*Hazelnut Coffee
*Caramel Macchiato Latte

*I have not been paid nor received anything from Tassimo or Bed Bath and Beyond for this post*  


  1. I personally bought a Nespresso machine and I just love it. Each cup is like a desert

  2. I have always wondered about these machines. I have thought maybe it would be too complicated for me . I like easy! I will have to remember this one.i wonder if it was pricy?
    I have a kitchen aid one and for now but thought I waste too much coffee we make like 6 cups and on some days only drink 2 or three so, for this reason I wouldn't mind investing.
    Have a great evening.

  3. I want to come have a cup with you!!!
