Sunday, February 9, 2014

Watercolor Portraits of Our 4 Pups Review

We received the Actual Watercolor Portraits of our four cute little PuppyKids!  I was so excited when they finally arrived and couldn't wait to see them.  You can see individual posts Here.  The paintings are well done, as far as capturing the Pups as they truly are/were.  Two, I won't be able to use the way they are.  They're way too cute to just throw away or hide in an album.
UPDATE:  Angel is ALOT smaller in her portrait than all of the other pups are in theirs.  The pink of the blanket is way off too and doesn't match the
bow in her hair either.  The grey tiles in the background look so dirty.   

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Rosie is so precious with the soft look on her face as well as the twinkle in her eyes.  I'm not entirely pleased, as Rosie's head is slouched down alot, compared with the photo. 
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I'm so glad that Benny's painting turned out as well as it did.   With the photo being the last one I ever got to take of Benny {and took the day he died}, I thought he looked so cute, snuggled in his blanket.  And I love the Sunshiney look of the background the Artist chose.

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The painting of Jasper looks OK, but it's terribly off-center (I know it's exactly like the photo, but I'd asked him not to paint it off-center)..  To crop it would cut off his tail or put his face even closer to the edge of the painting than it already is.

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Two Paintings Will Not Work the way I want them to...But...I've figured something out!!

Read about it Here!


  1. Oh, Jan! I'm so sorry about the 2 portraits, but I totally agree with you. Now let me say this. Have you heard of the Waterlogue app? It takes a picture and turns it into a beautiful watercolor. I downloaded and was just thrilled but realized it only works with Mac products, Ipads and Iphones. I think it was $2.99 - very cheap. I'm seeing them all over FB. I don't know if you had an Iphone, but it you do,,you could take a picture with your Iphone, send it to your computer and then print it out. The ones I'm seeing are turning out gorgeously. Just a thought.
    Be a seetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. I'm so sorry this was such a disappointment for you, Jan! I agree, Angel was painted way too small. For the artist to be rude to you was not only very unprofessional of him, but just not nice! I agree with you as well about returning the two paintings. You could go to the time and expense to send them back, and never get any money back from him. I love Shelia's idea of turning photos into watercolors with Waterlogue. I've never heard of that before, but it sounds amazing!
