Friday, December 6, 2013

Benny & I Saw the Vet Again Today...

He came up lame this morning...on the same leg as the lipoma.  Since Benny stiffens as the Vet begins to examine him, there's no way to tell for sure what's going on.  We must limit his movement over the weekend and give him pain pills and anti-inflammatory pills until Monday morning, when he is sedated and x-rayed to find out what is going on.  Poor baby.  I wish I could explain to him what's going on and that we're doing everything we can to make him feel better!  Benny's eaten, gone potty, had his pills and is resting in his crate next to my desk.  He's snuggled in his bed on top of his favorite fluffy blanket...resting.  And...he doesn't like it one darn bit!

***Sadly, Benny passed away on December 7, 2013***


  1. Poor little baby! He needs a sedative so he can sleep until Monday! :) Hopefully he'll be fine, Jan.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Oh Jan I so hope sweet little Benny will recover quickly. Hopefully the xray will show you what's going on. He is so cute curled up, but you can see in those eyes he is not pleased. Give him a little pat from me and prayers for better days ahead.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie
