Sunday, December 1, 2013

Black Jet and Gold Rosary

This Rosary was made Especially for...Breahn Royal.
 Merry Christmas Breahn & Family


  1. This is a gorgeous rosary and so sweet of you to offer this giveaway. I would love to have this. I still have my rosary from my first holy communion. Actually, I do not own another one. Have a wonderful day

  2. Ohhhhh... Ms. Jan this is beautiful!!! I would love to be chosen for one of your gorgeous rosary's, but I know that the Lord will lead you to send it to whomever HE wants to have it.... it is my lifeline to the Father.... I couldn't live one day without it. Bless you for thinking about others... every single one you make it just BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm glad we found each other again!

  3. Jan, I've been admiring your beautiful jewelry for a while, and visited your Etsy last week but had to put it on hold to tend to our business and new blog developments this week. Change is in the air again and I'm beginning to see why MarCella and what looked like a perfect idea never worked out. The artist wanted too much control over the details of the image and, well, from there on everything seemed wrong and I knew something was shifting.
    I'm going through a very blessed season of new beginnings (with our business and my art) but at the same time facing some profound disappointments in the area of friendship. My heart is broken in so many pieces and I could write you a book but I won't bore you.
    YES, I'd love to receive one of your beautiful rosaries. The color of this one is GORGEOUS.
    Best wishes to all the ladies.

  4. Hi Jan, this rosary is gorgeous. You do the finest work in creating these beautiful treasures. As you know, I won yours last year and admire it always. I am not entering because I am so blessed by the rosary I have from you and just want to give my chances to someone else. Whoever is going to simply love their rosary.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. I have only just found you, via Celestina and Etsy. I love the dramatic colour scheme of this rosary, black and gold is a beautiful combination. I can't give you a good reason why I should receive the rosary and not somebody else, but I would love to be able to handle it and treasure it and one day pass it on to one of my granddaughters. This is an incredibly generous giveaway, thank you for the chance.
