Saturday, December 7, 2013

This Is So Scarey & Painful to Watch

Our Benny
This is such a difficult thing to do...whether a fur baby or not.  Our Benny has gone downhill all afternoon!  His muscles tense up at the slightest movement, He's dizzy - from the pain pills & anti-inflammatories...or the Pain he's feeling or from whatever is taking place and yet, he can't have another pain pill for about 5 hours.  I can't wait til tomorrow to see our Vet.  There is an Emergency Vet Hospital close by that I am going to call.  It hurts my ♥ and makes me sick to see him this way.  During my 18 months with Bell's Palsy, he has taken care of me...kissing the areas that were sore and comforting me by snuggling with me.  He's our comforter...our Guard Dog and the most caring little guy.  I just want to do the same for him, making everything comfortable, take the pain away and allow him to rest.  Pray that he has a restful night.

***Sadly, Benny passed away tonight at 10:00pm - December 7, 2013***
{read more about Benny Here}

1 comment:

  1. Where i live there is an emergency animal clinic. Don't you have something like that where you are?? Or just call your vet and tell him you dog needs to be seen today. I feel sure that are places for emergencies.
