Friday, September 4, 2015


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Big Point: Our mind’s attention, our heart’s affection and our soul’s ambition
It’s Friday and if there’s ever a day to turn up the volume, this is the day! We’ve spent the week looking at how music is a form of worship, how it can focus our mind, how it affects our emotions and how it can God can use it to direct our next steps. But sometimes, before that next step, there’s a quiet moment in our hearts where God uses a song to help us understand how to walk towards Jesus. One of the most powerful worship songs of
 recent years is a great example of how a lyrics combined with powerful music...
 can provide the courage and confidence to take that next step.


READ, THINK and LIVE… Read and apply the Bible.

In the book of Romans, Paul assures us that once we’ve accepted Christ, we are secure in our relationship with Christ.

Question: How does this verse affirm that we can always count on God’s love?

Romans 8:38, 39 (New Living Translation)
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.

Think back over this week. Is God prompting you in any particular way to act or think differently about music? What verse or key thought has impacted you the most?

PRAY… God, what do you want me to know and do?
Thank God for his gift of music. Ask him to help center your mind and heart on him when listening to music that confirm who he is. Ask Jesus to help place songs in your life that help you become closer to him.

Watch the VideoDigging Deeper with this week’s teaching pastor:
Click here to go deeper using the Life Group DVD by the teaching pastor or view the message, including bonus discussion questions.

Thank you for reading today’s LivingItOut! We encourage you to take it one step further by participating in a Daily Bible Reading plan. There are thousands of individual reading plans available and there is ONE that is just right for you!CLICK HERE to download a basic “Bible in a year” plan. Customizable reading plans available at or

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS—Answer these questions with your friends and family:

After a weekend service that was filled with live music, share your memories of the first live concert you ever attended.

While worship is not just music, it’s a response to God’s love in all areas of our life; music is one of the most powerful aspects of worship. Is this true in your personal experience with music and worship? Why do you think that is?

Music can alter the way we think and feel, even the way we act and respond. Read Colossians 3:16-17. What is the purpose of music outlined in these verses? Have you had an experience where music fulfilled this purpose for you? What were the effects beyond just the song? Discuss.

Every weekend service includes an opportunity to connect with God in singing, to experience directing all of our mind’s attention, heart’s affection and soul’s ambition toward Him. Outside of the service, what is capturing your mind’s attention the most right now? Heart’s affection? Soul’s ambition? How can you direct all of it toward God more throughout your day-to-day routine?

What song has married biblical truth with a beautiful melody and connected you with God in a special way? Explain. In what ways does an experience like that help you live out your faith more every day?

Worship through music can do something great in us and through us. It connects us to God and each other in deep, meaningful ways. When we invite someone to church, we share that same opportunity with them. With Big Invite season here, who in your life needs to receive your invitation to hear music that could change the way they think, feel, act or respond to Jesus?

September 2015 Memory Verse:
Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.
2 Corinthians 12:9 (New Living Translation)

Each week the Living It Out (LIO) is put together by a team of writers, proofers and content editors. Thank you to this week’s team!

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1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post and the music on your blog is great. It is so true how music can minister to our hearts and give us such joy.
    It really is a blessing. Thanks for sharing. Have a great Friday and holiday weekend. Blessings and Hugs, cm
